วันเสาร์ที่ 20 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

Cleaning Silk Bouquets In 3 Simple Steps

How clean a silk bouquet, a bouquet of silk may last longer than a bouquet of flowers, but they continue to hang, and dust over time. Fortunately, some preventive care can go a long way to keep the bouquet as new. It does not take long, either. 5 minutes for the care of his class every 3-6 months will keep your bouquet research as well as it did the day he purchased. Read on to discover the 3 easy steps to keep the bouquet of silk in perfect condition. It may also something of the experience you should never do to clean your bouquet. To do this wrong, and you can destroy your bouquet forever! Step 1: Place the rice cleaning your bouquet in a plastic bag with a half-cup of white rice. Twist the bag closed and shake the bag for about 60 seconds. Rice in the plastic bag, will be static and dust will be attracted by the rice. In the past, people used salt instead of rice, salt, but have proved too hard, and no flowers. The white rice is softer, so as not to damage the flowers at all. Step 2: plush Once you have cleaned your silk flowers, hold the line on the handle and turn upside down and give him two or three good shakes hard, rice back into the bag. This should release any rice caught in the flowers and also remove any remaining dust. In addition, Lo flowers, and restore their original form. Step 3: Plumping plush teasing and after class, it is time to ensure that all the flowers are in the right position. Using the palm of your hand, go around the back of the line, and a bit of pressure on the flowers back in its position to overweight class. When you are satisfied with the general form, and then make fun of flowers in the right position easily pull and drag on each flower petals and before they are placed correctly. That's it! Simple, right? Now you have read May that you can inject bouquet with a little soapy water to clean. Regardless of what you read in May, still not! Never spray your bouquet with water because the wet dust term, and the stain on the flowers. And colorful flowers do not look good! If you follow these simple steps every 3-6 months, it's beautiful aroma, and will be around long enough for future generations to enjoy. Sitemap Silva has made silk bouquets for over 14 years. It is the webmaster for http://www.visionsofsilk.com http://www.visionsofsilk.com, a site with a catalog of classes you can buy and easy to understand articles on the creation of a special Silk bouquets.
